
OIL ON CANVAS | 24″ 48″

ON a road trip in Arizona, I was extremely lucky to have been able to get a tip from a Navajo guide to see the Horseshoe Bend. You can actually stand right on the edge of the cliff and see straight down 1,000 feet through to the bottom of the Colorado river. The water is so smooth and calm but has persistently carved through sandstone and layers of rock over millions of years and the smooth curvatures of the bend formed by gusts of wind.

It made me feel so small as my life was just a millisecond when compared to the timescale of bedrock formed since the Jurassic age but at the same time connected since it’s a metaphor for each of our own lives: containing distinct periods of growth and destruction, your character formed as a result of a lifetime of decisions and hard work, some things never changing and some things never staying the same..


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